ROHO Cushion 1R1313C HIGH PROFILE Cushion - Single Compartment - 24x24
ROHO Cushion 1R1212C HIGH PROFILE Cushion - Single Compartment - SIZE 24in X 24in
Comes with Stander cover
Code #1R1313C
The ROHO HIGH PROFILE Single Compartment Cushion (HIGH PROFILE Single Compartment Cushion) is an air filled, adjustable, cellular design, wheelchair support surface that utilizes DRY FLOATATION technology and is designed to conform to an individual's seated shape. This product is recommended for individuals of any weight* who may require skin/soft tissue protection while seated. ROHO, Inc. recommends that a clinician such as a doctor or therapist experienced in seating and positioning be consulted to determine if the HIGH PROFILE Single Compartment Cushion is appropriate for the individual's particular seating needs. If you are using a wheelchair with a sling seat, ROHO, Inc. recommends the use of the ROHO Contour Base, the ROHO Planar Solid Seat Insert, or a solid seat platform in conjunction with your wheelchair cushion for best positioning results. Applications The HIGH PROFILE Single Compartment Cushion is recommended for seated individuals who may: Have a history of skin/soft tissue breakdown and/or any stage pressure ulcer (including deep tissue injury), skin grafts, or myocutaneous flap surgery Currently have skin/soft tissue breakdown and/or any stage pressure ulcer (including deep tissue injury) Be at risk for skin/soft tissue breakdown and/or deep tissue injury Have normal or impaired sensation Require accommodation of pelvic asymmetry, up to approximately 3in./7.5cm Features Adjustable to shape and weight Adjustable to changes in individual's position over time Hydrostatic distribution of load across the entire contact area Provides up to approximately 3.75in./9cm of immersion Adds little weight to entire mobility system Cushion can be easily cleaned and disinfected Cover is machine washable and can be disinfected Neoprene cushion can be patched or repaired to extend use Includes Cover Hand Inflation Pump Patch Kit Owners Manual Warranty 24 Month Limited Warranty 1 Each / Each